Amethysts are purple gemstones with modest magical qualities. When an amethyst is crushed, you can cure poison and resist frost with its remains. This also momentarily makes you tired.
They can be found in the following locations:
- Anvil, The Abecette: Inner Hall (×10, 3 in safe)
- Port Telvannis, Telvanni Council House: Vaults (×8)
- Akamora, Thendas and Varonis: Pawnbroker (×5)
- Andothren, Vendicci Manor (×2, cloth sack)
- Baan Urlai (×2)
- Crystal Scissure, Glaziers' Respite (×2)
- Ebon Tower, Palace: Treasure Chamber (×2)
- Emmurbalpitu, Crepuscular Shrine (×2)
- Ivrol Crypt (×2)
- Khalaan, Old Landing (×2, glowing Daedric chest)
- Necrom, Relor Savani's House (×2) (chest)
- Rangirth Ancestral Tomb (×2, chest)
- Thendas Ancestral Tomb (×2)
- Acharamz, Ratiocinatory
- Andathril Ancestral Tomb
- Akamora, Dralethan Manor
- Anthelasa Ancestral Tomb
- Anvil, Briricca Private Bank: Offices
- Anvil, Calixta Avidrian's House
- Arkgnthleft, Lower Levels
- Brazen Maiden: Cabin
- Crypsis: Cabin
- Crystal Scissure, Splintered Excavation
- Darano Ancestral Tomb
- Dasek Marsh Region [-111, -58] (chest)
- Dragonstar West, Guild of Mages
- Ebon Tower, Julianos' Tower (chest)
- Ermunsour
- Erushara Ancestral Tomb
- Essarnartes, Shrine
- Eumaeus, Barracks
- Firewatch, Destarmion: Jeweler
- Firewatch, Ember Keep: Treasure Chamber
- Firewatch, Ember Keep: Wizard's Tower
- Firewatch, Valvius Matius: Pawnbroker
- Fort Umbermoth, Interior
- Gah Sadrith, Cabrinth Dven: Jeweller
- Helnim, Zafirbel Bay Company, Vault
- Helvi Ancestral Tomb
- Indalas Ancestral Tomb
- Karthwasten, Ciron's House (hollow book)
- Lliryn Ancestral Tomb
- Marwat
- Merduibh Rhuma's Tradehouse
- Mirilstern: Pallatium
- Mischarstette, Tomb of the Shore-Kings
- Necrom, Fane of the Ancestors: Vault
- Nerendus Ancestral Tomb, in the final room
- Norem, Lair
- Old Ebonheart, Hecath's House
- Old Ebonheart, Soanix Manor
- Old Ebonheart, The Fetcher's Pawn
- Old Ebonheart, Western Watch Barracks
- Onimushili, Shrine
- Orando Ancestral Tomb
- Sadri Ancestral Tomb
- Samapwi
- Seradan Grotto
- Shaden
- Shambalu
- Sobbitana Grotto
- Taliesinntara
- Teknilashashulpi, Shrine
- Tilvur Ancestral Tomb
- Ules Ancestral Tomb
- Vannu Grotto, Lower Level
- Vinka Barrow
- Vitta Barrow, Caverns (wooden ark)
- Voiceless Harmony, Hall of Dissonance
- Vorndgad Forest Region [-108, 13]
- Windmoth Legion Fort, Interior (Arvs Rethrathi's chest)
- Yanashpi, Lower Level
They are also found in the following leveled lists:
Cursed Variant[edit]
A cursed variant that spawns a Dremora Lord when picked up exists with id T_IngMine_AmethystDae_01
. It is otherwise identical to the first variant.
Guaranteed samples can be found in the following locations:
It is not found in any leveled lists.