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Tamriel Rebuilt:Bahrammu

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Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: House Telvanni
Region: Sea of Ghosts

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:


View from the southeast of town
Looking across town from the north

Bahrammu is a small shantytown on Althoa, the northwesternmost inhabited island of the Telvanni Isles region, northwest of Bal Oyra. Its services are severely limited, and the town's activities offer virtually nothing out of the ordinary. "We're a small village of fisherfolk and guar herders" as the local townspeople say.

Main Square[edit]

The entire town surrounds a central area, in the middle of which is a stereotypical Telvanni mushroom tree that acts as a central gathering place. Most of the huts and cave dwellings belong to farmers and common folk, but Elammu Andrani has set up a makeshift tradehouse in his shack, where he offers rudimentary weapons, ingredients and clothes, and an assortment of local alcohol.

Getting There and Around[edit]

Marthen Redri has set up a rowboat service to Bal Oyra a short distance southwest from the town. To find him, follow the road south out of Bahrammu, and take the first right. Although his shack is nearby, he is standing on the tiny dock, ready to take you to the city.

Places of Interest Around Bahrammu[edit]

  • The Imperial colony of Nivalis lies to the northwest, and the Telvanni tower of Tel Rivus to the southeast.
  • The Seradan Grotto is to the northeast. Follow the road east out of town, swim north to the big island and follow the coast east to get there. The entrance is underwater. There is valuable and quest-related treasure here.
  • A Rotten Shipwreck is across the water directly east of the east-leading path. Sadly, the pearl-bearing kollops along the way would probably offer more in the loot department than the wreck itself.


Related Quests[edit]

Great House Telvanni[edit]



Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Aren Oleroth Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 70 30 Aren Oleroth's Shack
Boden Fyryn Male Dark Elf Pauper 3 69 184 30 30 Boden Fyryn's Shack
Elammu Andrani Male Dark Elf Trader Service 11 106 112 90 30 Elammu Andrani: Trader Merchant
Ethil Dilmin Male Dark Elf Commoner 9 92 98 50 30 Dilmyn Cave Dwelling
Farvyn Arendu Male Dark Elf Commoner 6 74 92 60 30 Elammu Andrani: Trader
Favira Saladas Female Dark Elf Nightblade Great House Telvanni Oathman(Oathman) 17 96 116 0 30 Outside Features in A Message from Vvardenfell
Galen Norvayn Male Dark Elf Fisherman 5 75 86 40 30 Galen Norvayn's Shack
Garath Duril Male Dark Elf Commoner 7 81 94 100 0 Garath Duril's House Hetman
Halsoth Ernevi Male Dark Elf Fisherman 3 63 84 100 50 Halsoth Ernevi's Shack
Hirend Fothren Male Dark Elf Fisherman 7 88 90 90 20 Hirend Fothren's Shack
Hlarvys Duren Male Dark Elf Fisherman 11 113 96 90 30 Outside Merchant
Iranil Mavus Female Dark Elf Commoner 8 81 96 90 10 Outside
Lliretha Arantam Female Dark Elf Commoner 5 50 88 90 10 Arantam Cave Dwelling Quest giver
Marthen Redri Male Dark Elf Shipmaster 5 59 108 90 30 Outside Offers transport to Bal Oyra and Nivalis
Medilo Sendal Female Dark Elf Mage Great House Telvanni Hireling(Hireling) 13 80 140 90 30 Medilo Sendal's Shack
Neldam Heran Male Dark Elf Farmer 10 112 94 90 20 Outside Quest giver
Nirvusa Heran Female Dark Elf Herder 7 80 90 90 20 Neldam and Nirvusa Heran's Shack
Vedran Gavonir Male Dark Elf Commoner 7 81 94 100 30 Outside Features in the quest: The Widow and the Sea
Zalam Lonas Male Dark Elf Healer Service 9 71 98 100 30 Zalam Lonas' Shack Merchant, Spell Merchant


Map Key
  • 1. Neldam and Nirvusa Heran's Shack
  • 2. Aren Oleroth's Shack
  • 3. Hlarvys Duren's Shack
  • 4. Garath Duril's Shack
  • 5. Arantam Cave Dwelling
  • 6. Medilo Sendal's Shack
  • 7. Dilmyn Cave Dwelling
  • 8. Halsoth Ernevi's Shack
  • 9. Boden Fyryn's Shack
  • 10. Elammu Andrani: Trader
  • 11. Hirend Fothren's Shack
  • 12. Galen Norvayn's Shack
  • 13. Zalam Lonas's Shack