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Alliance War


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LG-card-Imperial Recruit.png
Card Set LG-icon-Alliance War.png Alliance War
Availability Created
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png1
Attribute Neutral Neutral
Power Power 1 Health Health 1
Rarity Common Common

Sandbox is a common Neutral creature card. Introduced with the Alliance War expansion, it is created by numerous means: actions such as Strategic Deployment and Battle of Chalman Keep, creatures such as Renowned Instructor and Inspiring Soldier, and the keyword Mobilize.

The subtype of Recruit depends on what it's created by. There is one for each of the main races. While items that gain Mobilize during gameplay and Battle of Chalman Keep summon random types (which include the Khajiit and Wood Elf subtypes), other cards will always summon a set subtype:

Recruit Race Created By Card art Audio
Argonian Black Marsh Warden LG-card-Argonian Recruit 02.png When summoned:
"I raise the spine of obedience!"
"For sun-blessed victory!"
When attacking:
"I hear and obey!"
"My claws are yours."
"As good as done!"
Breton Covenant Plate, Ebonthread Cloak, Poisoned Dagger, Staff of Ice LG-card-Breton Recruit.png When summoned:
"Let's take care of business, shall we?"
When attacking:
"Time to take matters into my own hands."
Dark Elf Inspiring Soldier LG-card-Dark Elf Recruit.png When summoned:
"I'll lend you my support."
When attacking:
"I consign you to the depths of Oblivion."
High Elf Ayrenn's Chosen LG-card-High Elf Recruit.png When summoned:
"I'll help any way I can."
When attacking:
"Have a taste of this!"
Imperial Clivia Tharn, Empire Recruiter, Imperial Lackey, Strategic Deployment LG-card-Imperial Recruit.png When summoned:
"Standing by."
When attacking:
"Cut them down!"
Khajiit LG-card-Khajiit Recruit.png When summoned:
"This one can be accounted upon."
When attacking:
"Nothing will stop khajiit!"
Nord Renowned Instructor LG-card-Nord Recruit.png When summoned:
"Time to join the fight!"
When attacking:
"Stay down!"
Orc Cruel Axe, Covenant Mail LG-card-Orc Recruit.png When summoned:
"I'm ready to fight."
When attacking:
"For honor, and for glory!"
Redguard Covenant Masterpiece, Lion Guard Armaments, Ornamented Sword LG-card-Redguard Recruit.png When summoned:
"Glory will be ours."
When attacking:
"Oblivion awaits you!"
Wood Elf LG-card-Wood Elf Recruit.png When summoned:
"At the ready."
When attacking:
