Oblivion:Brindle Home

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Brindle Home
(view on map) (lore page)
Console Location Code(s)
BrindleHomeExterior, BrindleHomeExterior01, BrindleHomeExterior02
Great Forest
North of Skingrad, south of Chorrol
Brindle Home

Brindle Home is a village north of Skingrad (quest-related).

One of the residents of the village has attracted the ire of a Daedric Prince. You will be tasked with appeasing the fiend during the related quest.

The settlement consists of three houses (Astante's Home, Melus Petilius' House, and Torbal the Sufficient's House), a stable (with an owned bedroll), and a horse pen (with two black horses and two paint horses).

Although the interiors of the houses feature no items of note other than an Acrobatics skill book, a Nirnroot plant, and a shepherd's pie in Torbal's house, the residents carry a few valuable things with them (see notes).

Brindle Home People[edit]

Brindle Home
Melus Petilius
Torbal the Sufficient

Related Quests[edit]


  • The settlement's residents, though not directly involved in any quests, are rich and make excellent targets for thieves and Dark Brotherhood hopefuls alike. If you attempt to pickpocket any of the residents and fail, they will not attack (although they will say something to you), and you will not be assessed a fine. You will also not incur a bounty for murdering them.
  • Brindle Home also appears in ESO as Castle Brindle.



Map of Brindle Home
  1. Melus Petilius' House
  2. Torbal the Sufficient's House
  3. Astante's Home