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Oblivion:Gweden Farm

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Gweden Farm
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
GwedenFarmExterior, GwedenFarmInterior, GwedenFarmBasement
Gold Coast
Southeast of Anvil
Gweden Farm

Gweden Farm is a farm southeast of Anvil (quest-related).

The farm is inhabited by Faustina Cartia, Signy Home-Wrecker, and Tsarrina, who may be involved in some local trouble as revealed during the related quest. It consists of the farmhouse and a fenced area with no crops.

The farmhouse contains two zones: Gweden Farm and Gweden Farm Basement.

Gweden Farm[edit]

The farmhouse appears to have been decorated as a love nest; silk curtains cover the walls, and lit candles make for a seductive atmosphere. Next to the entrance, a table holds silver tableware and wine, including one bottle of Surilie Brothers Wine, two of Tamika's West Weald Wine, and four of cheap wine. Three additional bottles of cheap wine can be found near the double bed along with a bowl holding five strawberries. Access to the basement can be gained using the basement key carried by Faustina Cartia.

Gweden Farm Basement[edit]

The basement is spacious and contains three beds you can sleep in. At the foot of the stairs is a table holding a bunch of grapes, a sweetcake, and a sweetroll. Opposite the table is a set of drawers containing middle-class clothing and a sack containing clutter. In the northwestern corner is a cupboard containing clutter, with one bottle of ale, one of mead, and one of the expensive Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 on top. Another bottle of ale can be found on a table in the northeastern corner, along with an onion, an orange, and a pear. The small storage room to the east holds the following items apparently stolen from the men lured to the farm by the Sirens; the items cannot be returned to their former owners:

  • Ernest: Ernest's Best Shirt, Ernest's Fancy Pants, Ernest's Shoes
  • Heinrich Oaken-Hull: Heinrich's Pants, Heinrich's Shirt, Heinrich's Shoes, Oaken-Hall [sic] Family Jewels (locked jewelry box containing random jewelry and nuggets), Oaken-Hall [sic] Heirloom
  • Pinarus Inventius: Astia's Necklace (Astia Inventius is Pinarus' wife), Pinarus' Iron Cuirass, Pinarus' Prized Minotaur Horn, Pinarus' Shirt
  • Unknown/Miscellaneous: Flawless Emerald, 12 Gold, Gold Nugget, Sack (containing Gold), 2 Silver Glasses, Wedding Gift

Gweden Farm People[edit]

Gweden Farm
Faustina Cartia [a]
Signy Home-Wrecker [a]
Tsarrina [a]
^aOnly present at the farm during the quest The Siren's Deception.

Related Quests[edit]


  • It is impossible to enter the farmhouse after the related quest has been completed, as the entrance requires a key which does not exist. Therefore, if you want to search the house and its basement, you must do so during the quest.
  • Gweden Farm is quite useful if you use reverse-pickpocketing techniques, as it contains a fair number of weightless items.
  • Gweden Farm appears in ESO as Louna's Farmhouse.
