Online:Daggerfall Covenant Quest Items

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Alik'r Desert

Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-weapon-Ebony Sword-Redguard.png Ancient Blade (?) Past in Ruins This sword exemplifies the ancient designs of Ra Gada warriors.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Ansei Halelah's Ward (?) Amputating the Hand A legendary sword once wielded by Ansei Halelah.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Ansei Maja's Ward (?) Alasan's Plot This is one of the legendary Ansei Swords.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Ansei Maja's Ward (?) Amputating the Hand A legendary sword once wielded by Ansei Maja.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Ansei Ward (?) A Reckoning with Uwafa This is one of three weapons of the Ansei. It's tied to guardian spirits that protect Alik'r from necromancy.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Ash'abah Initiation Potion (?) The Initiation Used for the Ash'abah initiation ritual.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Ayleid Tome (?) Thwarting the Aldmeri Dominion This ancient tome has the power to activate the pillars in Salas En and to close the portal beneath the ruins.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Baandari Package (?) Seize the Moment This is a shipment of Baandari goods.
ON-icon-stolen-Drum.png Barrel of Kindlepitch Magnifico Khorshad's Manor Imperial Incursion This is used for torches, but if a few strategically placed barrels were to be ignited, they could bring down the whole tunnel.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Belle of Balfiera Designs (?) Warship Designs These are the designs for the new warship being constructed at Tava's Blessing.
ON-icon-misc-Lizard.png Bergama green lizard (?) A Winner for Onwyn This lizard can be entered in the gray market lizard races.
ON-icon-achievement-Bone.png Bone (?) Undying Loyalty A sun-bleached bone.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Breton Ghostly Essence (?) March of the Ra Gada This is the essence of a Breton ghost, harvested from the spectres at HoonDing's Watch.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Sword.png Broken Ward Pieces (?) Alasan's Plot These are the broken pieces of Ansei Maja's Ward.
ON-icon-food-Seasoning.png Cactus Powder (?) Morwha's Curse A green powder extracted from the Torturer's Pillow cactus.
ON-icon-book-Generic 445.png Cartulary of the Tamed Dunes Lost City of the Na-Totambu, inside the Yokudan Archive Secrets of the Lost City A tome of steel plates that explains ancient practices of agriculture and metalcraft.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Cave Palm Fruit (?) Morwha's Curse A stinky fruit that grows on a particular palm.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Covenant's Pride Designs (?) Warship Designs These are the designs for the new warship being constructed at Tava's Blessing.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Green.png Cursed Gemstones (?) Badwater Mine These beautiful gemstones have spectral energies swirling inside them ominously.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Desert Breeze (?) Alasan's Plot This breeze should attract Tava's Blessing to reforge the Ansei Ward.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Dowry Gold (?) Whose Wedding? Some of the gold is in coins and some in the form of jewelry.
ON-icon-processed material-Kresh Fiber.png Dowry Silk (?) Whose Wedding? The silk is folded in several lengths of brightly colored fabric.
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png Dragonguard Ranks and Ceremony Wind Scour Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy A book that appears to describe Dragonguard ranks and ceremonies for promotion.
ON-icon-furnishing-Sack 01.png Dragonguard Tomes Wind Scour Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy Various tomes gathered from the Dragonguard archives. None seem particularly useful.
ON-icon-book-Generic 113.png Dragonguard Uniform Regulations Wind Scour Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy A manual for the different types of Dragonguard uniforms and their many regulations, from ceremonial robes to Dragon hunting armor.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Dry Juniper Leaf (?) Morwha's Curse A green leaf used in some medicines.
ON-icon-style material-Desecrated Grave Soil.png Earth from a Warrior's Grave (?) Alasan's Plot This earth from a fallen warrior's grave should attract Zeht's Blessing to reforge the Ansei Ward.
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png Emerald Eye Mage's Journal (?) Green with Envy An account of the Emerald Eye's activities, written by one of their mages.
ON-icon-book-Generic 114.png Etiquette for Royal Meetings Wind Scour Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy A book advising Dragonguard on how to behave in the presence of royalty.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Fakimal's Letter (?) Gone Missing Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Mushroom 03.png Flame Stalk (?) The Impervious Vault This ingredient will help Gabrielle of the Mages Guild.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Funerary Oils (?) Honoring the Dishonored Use these oils to sanctify Zariya's body.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Goat's Milk (?) Alasan's Plot This goat's milk should attract Morwha's Blessing to reforge the Ansei Ward.
ON-icon-stolen-Flute.png Goatherd's Whistle (?) Satak was the First Serpent Use this bone whistle covered in small chimes to attract a goat.
ON-icon-stolen-Flute.png Goatherd's Whistle (?) Satak was the First Serpent This whistle of bone is covered in small chimes used to attract goats.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Goblin Ghostly Essence (?) March of the Ra Gada This is the essence of a Goblin ghost, harvested from the spectres at HoonDing's Watch.
ON-icon-quest-Monster Teeth.png Hag's Breath (?) Left at the Altar This is the wedding gift for Tiela and Casnar.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Haidar's Supply Pack (?) Badwater Mine Haidar's supply pack feels lumpy and heavy, as though it is full of rocks.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Halelah's Ansei Ward (?) Restoring the Ansei Wards A legendary sword once wielded by Ansei Halelah.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Harpy Egg (?) Feathered Fiends While mostly undamaged, the egg looks like it has spent a long time in the sun.
ON-icon-stolen-Claw.png Harpy Matriarch (?) Feathered Fiends The mauled body of a very old harpy.
ON-icon-misc-Lizard.png horn-tailed lizard (?) A Winner for Onwyn This lizard can be entered in the gray market lizard races.
ON-icon-achievement-Bone.png Human Arm Bones (?) Undying Loyalty The bones of two human arms.
ON-icon-achievement-Bone.png Human Leg Bone (?) Undying Loyalty The bones of a single human leg.
ON-icon-misc-Bones.png Human Pelvic Bones (?) Undying Loyalty The bones of a human's pelvic area.
ON-icon-misc-Bones.png Human Rib Cage (?) Undying Loyalty The sun-bleached bones of a human torso.
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Lamp of Satakalaam Satakalaam Temple's Treasures This is one of the sacred relics stolen from the High Temple of Satakalaam
ON-icon-misc-Sapphire.png Left Eye of Yokuda (?) Secrets of the Lost City A fist-sized gemstone.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Letter to Fadeel (?) The Real Snake Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Letter to Tavo from Nahrina (?) An Ill-Fated Venture A wife's last words to her brave husband.
ON-icon-stolen-Shovel.png Lost Tools (?) Lady Laurent's Favor Tools left behind by Laurent's expedition.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Maja's Ansei Ward (?) Restoring the Ansei Wards A legendary sword once wielded by Ansei Maja.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Majeel's Scroll Satakalaam Temple's Treasures This is one of the sacred relics stolen from the High Temple of Satakalaam
ON-icon-misc-Star Sapphire.png Molten Pearl (?) Molten Pearls of Alik'r Desert A chunk of cooled metal with a strange and appealing coloration.
ON-icon-quest-Exile's Weapon.png Murder Weapon (?) Gone Missing This straight, rune-engraved sword was used to murder Fakimal.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Mysterious Key (?) Gone Missing A key found in Fakimal's home.
ON-icon-weapon-Ebony Mace-Orc.png Nabeenam's hammer (?) Master of Leki's Blade This hammer belonged to Master Nabeenam of the Enduring Blade.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Nedic Ghostly Essence (?) March of the Ra Gada This is the essence of a Nedic ghost, harvested from the spectres at HoonDing's Watch.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Note from Alasan (?) Gone Missing Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Orc Ghostly Essence (?) March of the Ra Gada This is the essence of an Orcish ghost, harvested from the spectres at HoonDing's Watch.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Poison Antidote (?) Snakes in the Sands This healing poultice cleanses bite victims of venom.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Promissory Note (?) Past Due Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Radan's Ansei Ward (?) Restoring the Ansei Wards A legendary sword once wielded by Ansei Radan.
ON-icon-weapon-Sword-Sai Sahan.png Raifa's sword (?) Master of Leki's Blade This sword belonged to Master Raifa of the Serpent's Strike.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Ranser's Regret Designs (?) Warship Designs These are the designs for the new warship being constructed at Tava's Blessing.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Reforged Ansei Ward (?) Alasan's Plot The Ansei Ward has been reforged.
ON-icon-misc-Emerald.png Right Eye of Yokuda (?) Secrets of the Lost City A fist-sized gemstone.
ON-icon-food-Lotus.png Satakal's Blossom (?) Morwha's Curse A rare flower that is extremely hallucinogenic.
ON-icon-misc-Scales.png Scale of Istraga (?) The Nature of Fate: Part Two An enormous scale from the tail of a duneripper, which is easily a handspan long.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Searching for the Horn of Ja'darri, Part 1 Wind Scour Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy A note from the Dragonguard discovered in Wind Scour Temple.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Smuggling Tunnel Key Magnifico Khorshad's Manor Imperial Incursion This key has elaborately inlaid decorations and looks quite old.
ON-icon-misc-Lizard.png spined lizard (?) A Winner for Onwyn This lizard can be entered in the gray market lizard races.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Stolen Gems (?) Honoring the Dishonored These recovered gems may help prove Zariya's innocence.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Stolen Gems (?) Honoring the Dishonored These assorted gems were recovered from remains at the Tears of the Dishonored.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Stolen Gems (?) Honoring the Dishonored These gems were recovered from remains at the Tears of the Dishonored.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Strange Vial (?) Trouble at the Rain Catchers The vial used to contain some kind of noxious substance, but is mostly empty now.
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Sword of Shabnam Satakalaam Temple's Treasures This is one of the sacred relics stolen from the High Temple of Satakalaam
ON-icon-armor-Ebony Steel Shield-Redguard.png Tafa's shield (?) Master of Leki's Blade This shield belonged to Master Tafa of the Stalwart Shield.
ON-icon-book-Generic 112.png Tales of the Akavari Wind Scour Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy A book of Akaviri legends, handed down through the Dragonguard for generations. Unfortunately, only its title has been translated.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Tava's Vessel (?) Alasan's Plot This is a container made to catch some of the desert wind, in order to offer up to Tava.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Tharayya's Notes (?) Blood and Sand These are Tharayya's research notes, stolen from her by Quintus Verrus.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png The Longsleeves (?) Madness in Alik'r Desert A blood-soaked straitjacket. Golden threads are woven into the sleeves and collar. Delicate embroidery accents the straps.
ON-icon-misc-Ruby.png Third Eye of Yokuda (?) Secrets of the Lost City A fist-sized gemstone.
ON-icon-misc-Lizard.png three-toed skink (?) A Winner for Onwyn This lizard can be entered in the gray market lizard races.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Unishi's Potion (?) Monkey Magic A mysterious decoction of shifting color and horrid aroma.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Unishi's Potion (?) Monkey Magic This potion is one of Unishi's creations. Mordrog can drink it to remove his curse.
ON-icon-mushroom-Asco Cap 01.png Worm's Head Cap (?) The Impervious Vault This ingredient will help Gabrielle of the Mages Guild.
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Yokudan Relic (?) An Ill-Fated Venture An ancient Yokudan antiquity collected from the Lost City.
ON-icon-misc-Silver Circlet.png Zariya's Ring (?) Honoring the Dishonored A sturdy wooden ring engraved with the names "Zariya" and "Darius."


Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Aetherius Key Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak A key found at the base of a Dwemer orrery.
ON-icon-food-Sweetmeats.png Alchemical Reagent Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone It's a vile looking piece of some kind of creature, used in alchemical experiments.
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Alchemical Supplies Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone Lady Laurent's equipment for making potions.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Bow-Breton.png Alessian Bows Martyr's Crossing Raiders_at_the_Crossing These are very well-made bows, crafted back in the days of Saint Alessia
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Alida's Pendant Basking Grounds A Handful of Stolen Dreams The sack contained the pendant described by Alida.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Altmer Blade Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations An Altmer Blade.
ON-icon-book-Generic 324.png Aminyas' Journal Sunken Road Publish or Perish Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Bloodied Bandages.png Ancient Bloodied Bandages Viridian Watch The Ravenwatch Inquiry Faint traces of blood remain on these discarded bandages.
ON-icon-quest-Asylum Earplugs.png Asylum Earplugs Razak's Wheel Madness in Bangkorai A pair of severed, mummified fingers.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Atarus's Skull Blackheart Haven Jumping Ship This small, metal skull is surprisingly heavy. It's cold to the touch, and gives off a chill aura.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Aurbis Key Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak A key pulled from the bottom of a Dwemer fountain.
ON-icon-misc-Crystal Ball.png Ayleid Relic Bisnensel The Water Stone This relic contains some of the secrets stored in these ruins by the Ayleid servants of Hermaeus Mora.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Bjoulsae Queen Key Evermore A City in Black This key opens the hold on the Bjoulsae Queen.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Blackheart's Skull Blackheart Haven Jumping Ship This small, metal skull is surprisingly heavy. It's cold to the touch, and gives off a chill aura.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Blood Pendant From Gwendis in Viridian Watch The Ravenwatch Inquiry This pendant contains a bit of Gwendis's vampiric essence.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Borzugh's Letter Torog's Spite Claim to Fame Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Briar Heart.png Briar Heart Fallen Grotto The Heart of the Beast The briar heart taken from the Reachman, Brinarch.
ON-icon-misc-Water Bucket.png Bucket of Water Damar Farmstead The Returned This sturdy bucket is full of clear, cool water.
ON-icon-armor-Hide Helmet-Imperial.png Captain Helenus's Helm Old Tower A Token Trophy This is the helmet of Imperial Captain Helenus.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Church Key Evermore The Waking Darkness The key is coated in grime and dirt.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Cipius' Orders Evermore A City in Black Use to read contents.
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Cog Mold Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak This mold looks like it fits perfectly into a Dwemer forge.
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm.png Crow's Charm Evermore Imperial Infiltration Used to summon crows on threats that need removing.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Damrina's Orders Razak's Wheel The Covenant Infiltrator Orders containing Daggerfall patrol routes.
ON-icon-quest-Exile's Weapon.png Dark Elf Blade Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations A Dark Elf Blade.
ON-icon-misc-Dwemer Gear.png Dwemer Cog Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak This is a freshly-cast Dwemer cog wheel.
ON-icon-misc-Empty Bucket.png Empty Bucket Damar Farmstead The Returned This sturdy bucket can hold a lot of water.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Forged Second Cohort Orders Old Tower Scavenging for a Scarab Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Shield.png Fragmented Arms Crypt of the Exiles Ancient Armaments in Bangkorai Scraps of rusted metal. Once part of a warrior's arms or livery, now junk. Probably not cursed.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Glenmoril Rune Northglen Beyond the Call Use this rune to destroy the Reachmen's markers in the field.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Gravestone Notes Evermore A Grave Matter Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Healing Poultice Northglen Beyond the Call Elgenie's healing poultice that both heals and grants temporary invisibility.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Healing Poultice Northglen Beyond the Call Use Elgenie's healing poultice to heal and gain temporary invisibility.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Heartwood Poultice Jackdaw Cove The Last Spriggan This is a concoction made of heartwood shards.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Heartwood Shard Jackdaw Cove The Last Spriggan This piece of heartwood was carved from a spriggan and placed into a cove lurcher.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png High King Emeric's Soul The Far Shores To Walk on Far Shores The soul of a dead king. Funny, it doesn't look special.
ON-icon-stolen-Wine.png Holy Water Pelin Graveyard The Waking Darkness A small amount of water blessed by Arkay, from Dame Valyrie. She believes using it on the blue flames will put them out.
ON-icon-stolen-Wine.png Holy Water Pelin Graveyard The Waking Darkness Water blessed by Arkay from the priest in Pelin graveyard.
ON-icon-quest-Etched Crystal.png Ice Rune Nilata Ruins To Aid the Enemy This rune is heavy and covered with frost. Use it to help the Imperial soldiers break free of the webs.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Imperial Key Hallin's Stand The Lion's Den It's the key to the grandeya's shackles, but it's not known where she's being held.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Imperial Key Onsi's Breath Rising Against Onsi's Breath This key was forged in the Cyrodilic style.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Imperial Notes Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak These notes contain vague information on three objects in Razak's Wheel that are connected to the door of Razak's Vault.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Imperial Officer's Signet Old Tower Scavenging for a Scarab This military signet ring is used to mark important documents.
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Imperial Weapons Hallin's Stand Hallin's Burden This is a collection of weapons of varying shapes and sizes.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Key to Stocks The Drowsy Owl A Thirst for Revolution It's the key to the grandeya's stockade.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Lady Laurent's Qharroa Notes Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Magical Salve Viridian Woods The Will of the Woods This salve was created by Stenwick to wake Princess Elara.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 03.png Makela Leki's Memory Stone Crypt of the Exiles A Favor Between Kings This is the memory stone of the Redguard hero, Makela Leki.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Mastery of Devotion Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Mastery of Discipline Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Mastery of Sacrifice Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Mastery of Wisdom Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-book-Generic 324.png Morgaulle Dechery's Journal Sunken Road Publish or Perish Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Mundus Key Razak's Wheel The Mystery of Razak A key taken from the face of a Dwemer anvil.
ON-icon-misc-Blue Dust.png Mysterious Essence Halcyon Lake Mistress of the Lake This is one of the essences the wisps are transporting in the ruins below Halcyon Lake.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Nyronie's Heart Fallen Grotto The Heart of the Beast Nyronie's still-beating heart is needed for the Wyrd to speak with Hircine.
ON-icon-quest-Gray Host Sigil.png Odd Signet Viridian Watch The Ravenwatch Inquiry A strange signet that shows no signs of decay or wear.
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Orc Blade Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations An Orcish Blade.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Orders from a Knightly Order Crypt of the Exiles A Favor Between Kings These are the orders to the Knights of Saint Pelin from the Knight-Commander.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Orders from the Duke Evermore Imperial Infiltration These are orders from Duke Renchant to Guard Captain Hjurrun
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Paralyzing Powder Mages Guild (Hallin's Stand) A Thirst for Revolution It's a fine grained powder that supposedly is a powerful paralyzing agent.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Pharik's Wedding Ring Basking Grounds A Handful of Stolen Dreams Pharik's wedding ring, a memento of his wife, came from a Redguard lockbox in the Imperial camp.
ON-icon-quest-Bark 01.png Pure Heartwood Poultice Jackdaw Cove The Last Spriggan This is a concoction made of pure heartwood shards.
ON-icon-quest-Bark 01.png Pure Heartwood Shard Jackdaw Cove The Last Spriggan This piece of heartwood is still pure.
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Redguard Blade Hall of Heroes Trials and Tribulations A Redguard Blade.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Request Just outside Bangkorai Garrison Report to Evermore A request for more soldiers at Bangkorai Garrison
ON-icon-quest-Madman's Chalice.png Ritual Chalice Viridian Watch The Ravenwatch Inquiry An ancient chalice. The rim is covered in dried, dark blood.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Ritual Dagger Fallen Grotto The Heart of the Beast This is a ritual dagger of the Glenmoril Wyrd.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Ritual Dagger Fallen Grotto The Heart of the Beast Use the ritual dagger to removed Nyronie's heart.
ON-icon-armor-Jerkin-Akaviri.png Robes Kerbol's Hollow Freedom's Chains The robes are long and hooded.
ON-icon-armor-Jerkin-Akaviri.png Robes Kerbol's Hollow Freedom's Chains Use these robes as a disguise.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 05.png Rune of Transit Arlimahera's Grip We Live In Fear A small stone tablet engraved with ancient Yokudan sigils.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Dagger-Redguard.png Salma's Dagger Basking Grounds A Handful of Stolen Dreams The small Redguard dagger, sharp enough to cut through leather, is etched with Salma's name.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Second Cohort Orders Old Tower Scavenging for a Scarab Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Florets.png Spriggan Bud Viridian Woods The Will of the Woods A cluster of living blossoms from a spriggan spirit.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Stoneflesh Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone This bottle contains Lady Laurent's newest alchemical adventure: a potion that turns the imbiber to stone.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Stoneflesh Antidote Samples Qharroa Ruins Tongues of Stone These are several untested antidotes for Lady Laurent's stoneflesh potion.
ON-icon-head-Redguard Male.png Strastnoc's Head Strastnoc's Landing A City in Black This is the head of the Reachmen leader I killed at the lighthouse.
ON-icon-stolen-Rune Chunk.png Talisman Nilata Ruins A Marriage in Ruins This talisman is warm to the touch and etched with strange runes. Use this trinket on the Daedra's prisoners to disrupt the ritual.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png The Mage's Cipher Evermore A Grave Matter Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm.png The Sentinel's Amulet Viridian The Will of the Woods This strange talisman belongs to Stenwick Gurles, the Sentinel of the Viridian Woods.
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm.png The Sentinel's Amulet Viridian The Will of the Woods This strange talisman belongs to Stenwick Gurles. It's charged with what's left of his life force, and that of the Viridian Sentinel.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Thorzhul's Letter Torog's Spite Claim to Fame Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Uela's Heart Jackdaw Cove Heart of Evil The heart of the Hagraven, Uela.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Urenenya's Soul Gem Klathzgar Urenenya's Lament This is the soul gem in which Klathzgar trapped Urenenya's soul.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Vindication for the Dragon Break Rubble Butte Back in Time This history book contains near-incoherent ravings of the Maruhkati fanatics.
ON-icon-misc-Water Bucket.png Water Bucket Murcien's Hamlet The Charge of Evermore This bucket is full of water.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear White.png Water Stone Bisnensel The Water Stone This water stone is a powerful device capable of creating an endless supply of water.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Wrapped Imperial Weapons Hallin's Stand Hallin's Burden This is a collection of weapons of varying shapes and sizes. It's disguised in some foul smelling burlap.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Yumaref's Promissory Note Basking Grounds A Handful of Stolen Dreams This scroll is a promissory note for land in Elsweyr, signed by Yumaref.


Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-misc-Crystal Ball.png Ayleid Relic Carzog's Demise Carzog's Demise The relic weighs more than is likely for an item its size.
ON-icon-food-Honey.png Betnikh Honeycomb From wasps on Betnikh Stonetooth Bash A succulent honeycomb.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Bundle of Herbs (?) Farsight A pungent bundle of herbs, wrapped in leaves.
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Reachwitch Talisman King Renwic's memory Unearthing the Past This talisman, taken off a dead Reachwitch, can enslave the spirits of those recently killed and force them to answer a question.
ON-icon-quest-Soiled Napkin.png Soiled Napkin (?) Stonetooth Bash A napkin lathered with grease and honey.
ON-icon-quest-Alchemical Residue.png Sour Algae (?) Cold Blood, Old Pain A small bundle of intensely foul smelling algae.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Sour Algae Tonic (?) Cold Blood, Old Pain An intensely odorous tonic made with sour algae said to be a cure for drunkenness.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Breton.png Staff of Arkay (Charged) Grimfield after obtaining 6 energy emotes Unearthing the Past The Staff of Arkay once wielded by Frederique Lynielle. It is now fully charged.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Breton.png Staff of Arkay (Drained) Grimfield central crypt Unearthing the Past The Staff of Arkay once wielded by Frederique Lynielle. Its power has drained over the years.
ON-icon-food-Red Meat.png Stonetooth Mystery Meat From rabbits, rats, mudcrabs and wolves on Betnikh Stonetooth Bash A chunk of freshly killed meat. When thoroughly boiled, its origin will be a complete mystery.
ON-icon-stolen-Claw.png Targoth's War Horn (?) Tormented Souls This war horn belonged to Warcaller Targoth.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Tazgol's Petition (?) On to Glenumbra A petition from Chief Tazgol to allow the Seamount Orcs to join the Daggerfall Covenant.


Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Alinon's Elixir of Lycanthropic Cure Given by Alinon the Alchemist in Camlorn Hidden in Flames Use this antidote on weakened Camlorn werewolves to return them to human form.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Pendant.png Amulet of The Guardians Given by Wyress Ileana at the Vale of the Guardians Champion of the Guardians Used by the Wyrd Sisters to contact The Guardians.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Apples Bad Man's Hallows Season of Harvest A bag of crisp, red apples.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Greatsword-Breton.png Armor and Weapons Camlorn A Lingering Hope A set of worn armor and weapons.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Assassination Plot Lerineaux Manor, Daggerfall Blood and the Crescent Moon These documents detail how Lerineaux will help the Bloodthorn cult assassinate King Casimir.
ON-icon-armor-Iron Cuirass-Breton.png Battered Armor Camlorn A Lingering Hope A set of slightly worn armor.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Greatsword-Breton.png Battered Weapons Camlorn A Lingering Hope A collection of old but usable weapons.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Greatsword-Breton.png Battered Weapons Camlorn A Lingering Hope Slightly used but serviceable weapons.
ON-icon-quest-Exile's Weapon.png Black-Iron Sword Burial Mounds Cursed Treasure This ancient iron blade appears brittle and battle-scarred.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Sword-Daedric.png Blade of Elaric Glenumbra Moors Ripple Effect A tarnished and ancient blade of an Alessian general.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Sword-Daedric.png Blade of Lauran Glenumbra Moors Ripple Effect A tarnished and ancient blade of an Alessian general.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Sword-Daedric.png Blade of Railon Glenumbra Moors Ripple Effect A tarnished and ancient blade of an Alessian general.
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Bloodroot Rosé (?) Getting the Band Together The cork reeks of iron and there's a sort of sediment at the bottom of the bottle.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png Bloodstained Tunic Baelborne Rock Legacy of Baelborne Rock This bloodstained shirt has a vicious slash across the back, as though it was made by a whip.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Bloodthorn Amulet Cath Bedraud Mists of Corruption The etched symbol of the Bloodthorn cult adorns this blood-red amulet.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Bloodthorn Note Cryptwatch Fort Fortune in Failure This note contains a message and recipes for a variety of treatments for injuries from Angof's forces.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Bottle of Masking Salve Sellan House, Eagle's Brook The White Mask of Merien This small bottle smells of cherries.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Pendant.png Broken Necklace Baelborne Rock Legacy of Baelborne Rock An expensive necklace, now cracked and scuffed.
ON-icon-misc-Water Bucket.png Bucket of Water Deleyn's Mill Ash and Reprieve This sturdy bucket is full of clear, cool water.
ON-icon-misc-Jester's Day 2016 Dazzler 02.png Burst Dazzler Given by Jester King Emeric, Daggerfall Royal Revelry A small bauble filled with colorful powders and enchanted to produce a dazzling display.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Camlorn Inn Key Found on the body of a Mauled Corpse, Camlorn A Lingering Hope This key opens the side door of the Camlorn Inn.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Ceremonial Gem Bad Man's Hallows Can't Take It With Them The gem feels unusually heavy for its size.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Earring.png Charged Charm The charged version of Sibellec's Charm Wyrd and Coven This charm is full of power. You can use it to reflect Mother Murk's life-draining powers.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Chest Key (?) A Mysterious Curio This key is heavy and rusted.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Claudie's Journal Baelborne Rock Legacy of Baelborne Rock A journal written by Claudie Themond.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Crown.png Cracked Golden Crown Burial Mounds Cursed Treasure A prominent crack mars this ornate golden crown.
ON-icon-stolen-Teeth.png Crocodile Teeth From the note Gold for Teeth! and Crocodiles in Hag Fen Crocodile Bounty These large, sharp teeth obviously come from a Hag Fen crocodile.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Daggerfall Market Shopping List Daggerfall Blood and the Crescent Moon A list of items for sale at specific market stalls in Daggerfall.
ON-icon-stolen-Lute.png Discordant Fiddle Bad Man's Hallows Madness in Glenumbra A worn fiddle with frayed, fuzzy strings. Strange whorls and haphazard scratches cover the back.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Dominion Messages Aldmeri Dominion found at their camp near Farwatch Tower Signals of Dominion These collected pages detail decrypted signals from Dominion ships.
ON-icon-style material-Bloodroot Flux.png Dragonfire Dust Ilessan Tower Royal Revelry Glittery dust that crackles with magical energy.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Dresan Index Given by Keeper of Knowledge, Dresan Keep The Hidden Treasure This brittle old book lists the contents of the vault of knowledge at Dresan Keep.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Dresan Index Given by Richard Dusant, Dresan Keep The Dresan Index This book, dry and brittle with age, lists the contents of the library vault at Dresan Keep.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Dusant's Backpack Dresan Keep The Hidden Treasure This bag contains a random assortment of objects.
ON-icon-stolen-Pipe.png Edrien's Pipe Edrien Dencent's House, near Aldcroft Vital Inheritance This well-worn pipe was carved with rocks and waves.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Edrien's Treasure Outside Aldcroft Vital Inheritance This satchel is filled with gold and a few valuable items.
ON-icon-achievement-Bone.png Engraved Trophy Tusk Burial Mounds Cursed Treasure Engraved images of knights and kings at war decorate this heavy, curved tusk.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Essence of Aetherius Deleyn's Mill Turning of the Trees An essence pulled from untainted soil.
ON-icon-quest-Feather.png Feather Mines of Khuras Through a Veil Darkly A colorful plumage, light as the air.
ON-icon-misc-Jester's Day 2016 Dazzler 03.png Flash Dazzler (?) Royal Revelry A small bauble filled with colorful powders and enchanted to produce a dazzling display.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Gabrielle Benele's Journal On a log between Merovec's Folly and Gaudet Farm The Lion Guard's Stand Use to read contents.
ON-icon-gem-Sardonyx 01.png Gabrielle's Binding Stone Given by Gabrielle Benele in Cath Bedraud The Labyrinth This jagged stone is worn around the edges.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Green.png Gem of Westtry's Torment (?) Memento Mori This dark artifact swirls with the souls of Westtry's innocents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png General Gautier's Dispatch (?) Pride of the Lion Guard The Lion Guard dispatch from General Gautier to the troops in Aldcroft.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Gilded Lockbox (?) Lady Eloise's Lockbox This small, ivory-colored box is filigreed with gold. It doesn't seem to have a latch or keyhole.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear White.png Glass Gems (?) The White Mask of Merien These gems appear to be made of glass, cut into standard gemstone shapes.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Glenumbria: Alessian Orders (?) A Step Back in Time Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Gloria Fausta's Blood (?) Lineage of Tooth and Claw Blood taken from a descendant of Faolchu.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Glowing Ayleid Bone Dust (?) Royal Revelry The residual magicka saturating these ancient bones should add some kick to any magical mixture.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Gold for Teeth! (?) Crocodile Bounty Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Gourd.png Gourd Mines of Khuras Through a Veil Darkly A hollowed out gourd, filled with water.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Grain (?) Season of Harvest A sack of freshly harvested grain.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Guifford Vinielle's Sketchbook Mines of Khuras A Brush With Death Sketches detailing rituals and clandestine meetings between Red Rooks and Bloodthorn cultists fill this journal.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Harpy Egg (?) The Dagger's Edge An unhatched harpy egg straight from the nest.
ON-icon-food-Frost Mirriam.png Hawthorn Berries (?) The Ghosts of Westtry These colorful berries have a sharp, bitter smell.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Healing Poultice (?) The Ghosts of Westtry Apothecary Muriel provided these ghostly white healing poultices to use on the injured guards.
ON-icon-stolen-Wolf Charm.png Hircine's Amulet Given to you by Duke Sebastien Wolves in the Fold Imbued with the Call of Hircine, this amulet reveals the true nature of were-creatures.
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Hunting Horn (?) Disorganized Crime This horn has the name "Noellaume" engraved upon it.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Ilessan Tower Bandit Note Ilessan Tower Red Rook Resources Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear White.png Key of Blades (?) The Jeweled Crown of Anton This "key" has a series of grooves in its base designed to attach it to something.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Green.png Key of Crowns (?) The Jeweled Crown of Anton This "key" has a series of grooves in its base designed to attach it to something.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Key of Flames (?) The Jeweled Crown of Anton This "key" has a series of grooves in its base designed to attach it to something.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Key of Strife (?) The Jeweled Crown of Anton This "key" has a series of grooves in its base designed to attach it to something.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter from Inalieth Outside Ilessan Tower Things Lost, Things Found An old letter, addressed to Bastian Hallix but never delivered.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter from Quistley Silvelle The Rosy Lion Things Lost, Things Found Missive from Quistley Silvelle to his foster brother, Bastian Hallix.
ON-icon-quest-Etched Crystal.png Lexi's Charm (?) Lineage of Tooth and Claw Use to order Lexi to capture a weakened werewolf.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Lieutenant Jascien's Last Missive (?) The Lost Patrol Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Arm 01.png Lurcher Arm (?) Seeking the Guardians This severed lurcher arm consists of twisted roots and tendrils.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Pendant.png Malik's Sacred Emblem (?) The Corpse Horde This emblem uses the blessing of the Eight to consecrate the dead.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Note to Vanus Mines of Khuras Through a Veil Darkly A cryptic note that Oracle Marieve left for Vanus Galerion in the old Wyrd site.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Pack of Silk Threads (?) Garments by Odei A backpack filled with spools of silk thread in many vibrant colors.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Pouch of Alchemy Ingredients (?) Hidden in Flames A small pouch filled with various alchemy ingredients.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Recovered Heirlooms (?) Red Rook Ransack in Glenumbra Heirlooms recovered on behalf of Daggerfall residents.
ON-icon-quest-Key 02.png Red Rook Keyring (?) Farlivere's Gambit A single key adorns this plain, slightly tarnished ring.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png Red Rook Uniforms (?) Farlivere's Gambit Crude uniforms taken from Red Rook bandits.
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Resistance Fighter's Signal (?) Crosswych Reclaimed Choose a Red Rook bandit, then use this signal to call for help.
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Ritual Candle (?) The White Mask of Merien This candle has a wide wick, made for creating smoke.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Rosalind's Locket (?) The Ghosts of Westtry This locket contains the carved cameo of a man's profile.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Rune of Release (?) Angof the Gravesinger This stone displays a small etching with these words: "Release from slumber! Eternal darkness, come forth!"
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Rune of Storm (?) Signals of Dominion Raindrops are etched upon the surface of this small, blue stone.
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Sacred Candle (?) Forgotten Ancestry A candle used to honor and remember the dead.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Sewing Box (?) Garments by Odei A sturdy box filled with pins, needles, scissors, and other implements of the tailor's trade.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Shalk Gland (?) Season of Harvest Disconcertingly squishy, potentially flammable.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Shard of the Cunning (?) Angof the Gravesinger This is a jagged shard of glass-like crystal.
ON-icon-armor-Homespun Sash-High Elf.png Shard of the Lost (?) Angof the Gravesinger This is a jagged shard of glass-like crystal.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Shard of the Lurcher (?) Angof the Gravesinger This is a jagged shard of glass-like crystal.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Earring.png Sibellec's Charm (?) Wyrd and Coven Sibellec provided this charm that stores the power of the bog hags.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Silvelle Ring Ilessan Tower Things Lost, Things Found A valuable ring from Lady Silvelle's jewelry collection.
ON-icon-misc-Jester's Day 2016 Dazzler 01.png Sparkle Dazzler (?) Royal Revelry A small bauble filled with colorful powders and enchanted to produce a dazzling display.
ON-icon-stolen-Chalice.png Stolen Goblet (?) Red Rook Ransack in Glenumbra A fancy goblet with a family tree carefully worked into the base—part of a matching set.
ON-icon-stolen-Monocle.png Stolen Locket (?) Red Rook Ransack in Glenumbra A simple locket containing two small wax portraits, each facing the other.
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Stolen Plate (?) Red Rook Ransack in Glenumbra A ceramic plate detailing a Breton family tree.
ON-icon-book-Generic 132.png Tailor's Book of Patterns (?) Garments by Odei A book full of carefully drawn clothing designs and tailoring notes.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Crown.png The Cursed Crown of Anton (?) The Jeweled Crown of Anton Jewels adorn this heavy crown that hums with magical power.
ON-icon-armor-Steel Shield-Breton.png The Green Aegis (?) Cursed Treasure This ancient shield bears an inscription identifying its owner as the "Emerald Princess."
ON-icon-misc-Silver Crown.png The Jeweled Crown of Anton (?) The Jeweled Crown of Anton Jewels adorn this heavy crown that hums with magical power.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 01.png The Midnight Talisman Given by Gabrielle Benele Mastering the Talisman This ancient Daedric relic is made of rich ebony and encrusted with depleted Soul Gems.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 01.png The Midnight Talisman (?) Mists of Corruption This ancient Daedric relic is made of rich ebony and encrusted with depleted Soul Gems.
ON-icon-quest-Throwing Snare.png Throwing Snare (?) The Dagger's Edge A simple net trap you can throw at harpies.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Tower Key (?) The Fall of Faolchu A key to the guard towers of Camlorn.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Treasonous Documents (?) Bloodthorn Assassins These documents, carried by Lerineaux, detail an assassination plot.
ON-icon-quest-Uncut Gemstone.png Uncut Gemstone Mines of Khuras Through a Veil Darkly An uncut gemstone dug straight from the earth.
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Urn of Shrouding Ashes (?) The White Mask of Merien The urn has an engraving of a wraith along one side.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Werewolf Blood (?) Hidden in Flames A few precious drops of werewolf blood, needed to finish Alinon's cure.
ON-icon-achievement-Wormcrusher.png Westtry Captain's Blade (?) Memento Mori This finely crafted sword has weathered the years surprisingly well. A symbol of Stendarr is etched on the pommel.
ON-icon-achievement-Wormcrusher.png Westtry Captain's Blade (?) Memento Mori This finely crafted sword has weathered the years surprisingly well. A symbol of Stendarr is etched on its pommel.
ON-icon-misc-Vine 01.png Wolf's Woe (?) Farlivere's Gambit When crushed, this plant releases an odor that wolves and other scent-sensitive creatures dislike and actively avoid.
ON-icon-misc-Emerald.png Wyress Gwen's Portal Stone (?) Reclaiming the Elements Use this stone to open a portal for Wyress Gwen at the Wyrd Tree's entrance.
ON-icon-quest-Wyress Torchbug.png Wyress Torchbug (?) Turning of the Trees A small, delicate creature which hums around inside your pocket.


Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Adeber's Notebook Behind Merethrin's House in Shornhelm Of Knives and Long Shadows This tightly-bound journal is stained with Adeber's blood. It contains all his notes concerning the Daedric artifact.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Amulet (?) Last Words A golden amulet with an intricate clasp, suspended from a golden chain.
ON-icon-quest-Exile's Weapon.png Ancient Sword (?) A Past Remembered This exquisitely crafted sword features the words "Marcelle Stenric of Shornhelm" engraved upon its blade.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Banekin Trinket Dran the Trickster Frightened Folk Rub the banekin trinket to summon a banekin.
ON-icon-weapon-Yew Bow-Wood Elf.png Bow (?) Under Siege This bow appears weathered, but the string is taut.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Cage Key (?) Shornhelm Divided A key to unlock the prison cells in the Fevered Mews.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Camp Supplies (?) A Change of Heart Motheaten canvas and moldy cases of hard tack fill this old camp supply kit.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Codebook (?) A Spy in Shornhelm A journal containing various ways to decipher codes. Edouard Celd's name appears on the first page. The code "count back a number of letters equal to the message's date" is marked.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Coded Message on Coin (?) A Spy in Shornhelm Use to read contents.
ON-icon-weapon-Ebony Dagger-High Elf.png Dagger (?) Under Siege A small, vicious knife with a remarkably sharp edge.
ON-icon-fish-Salmon.png Day-Old Fish (?) Guar Gone This smelly, old fish is supposedly a favorite food of Puddles the bantam guar.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Decoded Coin Message (?) A Spy in Shornhelm Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Dog Whistle (?) In the Doghouse A simple wooden whistle that looks like it's been chewed on.
ON-icon-quest-Key 02.png Dorell Manor Key (?) The Liberation of Northpoint This intricate key opens the door to Dorell Manor in Northpoint.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Dulkhi's Diary Edrald Servant's Quarters A Change of Heart Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Lotus.png Dunlain Daisies (?) The Lover These are the rare flowers Julien asked me to get for Guendeline.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Dusty Papers (?) A Change of Heart These papers are an old correspondence detailing a series of landholding disputes between the Edrald family and Fell's Run.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 06.png Eagle Runestone (?) The Emerald Chalice An eagle with outstretched wings is etched upon this runestone.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Edweg's Resignation Note (?) Archaic Relics A letter of resignation written by a Knight of Arkay.
ON-icon-food-Flour.png Elemental Dust (?) The Price of Longevity This is a compound made from the dust of Elementals.
ON-icon-food-Jug.png Emerald Chalice (?) The Emerald Chalice This is a simple, unadorned drinking vessel.
ON-icon-misc-Bones.png General Dathieu's Bones (?) A Traitor's Tale A portion of the general's remains, found scattered around Traitor's Tor.
ON-icon-head-Half Skull.png General Dathieu's Skull (?) A Traitor's Tale The skull of the general who killed King Ranser.
ON-icon-style material-Desecrated Grave Soil.png Gennove's Ashes (?) Under Siege The charred remains of Gennove Hinault.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Healing Poultice (?) The Blood-Splattered Shield Herb-soaked bandage, useful for healing cuts and abrasions.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Healing Supplies (?) Under Siege This pack contain herbs, bandages, and other provisions for mending wounds.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png House Dorell Key (?) Crimes of the Past A very plain-looking key with the crest of House Dorell emblazoned upon its head.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png House Tamrith Key (?) Crimes of the Past An oddly shaped key with the crest of House Tamrith emblazoned upon its head.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Klaandor's Journal (?) Last Words This book's leather cover is marred by bloodstains. Hastily scribbled notes sprawl across several pages.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Krisandra Edrald's Journal, Vol. 1 Edrald Estate, western windmill A Change of Heart Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Krisandra Edrald's Journal, Vol. 2 Edrald Undercroft A Change of Heart Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Krisandra Edrald's Journal - Vol. 3 Edrald Manor A Change of Heart Use to read contents.
ON-icon-head-Orc Female.png Larzgug's Head (?) Foul Deeds in the Deep This is the head of Larzgug. For use in Lashgikh's oath to Malacath.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter from Althen (?) Crimes of the Past A letter from Althen to an associate named Turenn.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Letter from the Orsinium Orphanage (?) Crimes of the Past A letter to Althen from an orphanage in Orsinium.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Letter to Reezal-Jul (?) Shornhelm Divided Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png List of Targets (?) The Assassin's List A list of high-profile targets marked for assassination by House Montclair.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Mace-Breton.png Mace of Doumant Belland (?) The Barefoot Breton This mace belongs to Frederique Gimbert. It looks pretty old and valuable.
ON-icon-quest-Sheogorath's Button.png Mad God's Lost Button (?) Madness in Rivenspire A pearlescent button, presumably fitted for a doublet. Its color shifts in the light.
ON-icon-weapon-Beech Staff-High Elf.png Mage Tharlas' Staff (?) The Blood-Cursed Town This enchanted staff belonged to the mage Tharlas.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Marien's Necklace (?) The Lady's Keepsake An ornate, well-worn necklace engraved with the name "Erelle."
ON-icon-style material-Desecrated Grave Soil.png Marrec's Ashes (?) Under Siege The charred remains of Marrec Hinault.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Matthiaume's Journal (?) Archaic Relics The journal of a Knight of Arkay.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Pendant.png Mayor's Badge of Office (?) The Blood-Cursed Town The badge of office worn by the Mayor of Crestshade.
ON-icon-style material-Desecrated Grave Soil.png Melita's Ashes (?) Under Siege The charred remains of Melita Hinault.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Merethrin's Research Notes (?) The Price of Longevity Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Flower 01.png Moonflower Blossoms Orc's Finger Ruins Darkness Blooms in Rivenspire These delicate flowers have a spicy aroma.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Nadafa's Journal (?) Love Lost Use to read contents.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Najeepa's Remains (?) A Final Release These remains, when taken back to the swamp, will return Najeepa to the Hist.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Nedras' Journal (?) A Lucky Break A tattered journal with most of its pages torn out.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Note from Sagabar (?) Frightened Folk Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Officers' Quarters Key (?) Northpoint in Peril A key that opens the Officers' Quarters outside Northpoint.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Orc Poem (?) The Lover An Orcish love poem. It rhymes and everything, but the spelling is atrocious.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Packet of Bone and Ash (?) A Traitor's Tale Burnt ash and splintered bones, tied into a small bundle.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Poetry Book (?) The Lover A book of sappy love poems writen [sic] by Adrone Larocque.
ON-icon-misc-Gold Crown.png Ranser's Crown (?) The Crown of Shornhelm An ancient circlet encrusted with jewels that frame the seal of Shornhelm.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Reply from Reezal-Jul (?) Shornhelm Divided Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Sagabar's Orders (?) Frightened Folk Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Saint Ellenica's Prayer Book Flyleaf Catacombs Archaic Relics A well-thumbed prayer book. A note in the margins states, "Read to put the dead to rest."
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Saint Marben's Fingerbone Sanguine Barrows Archaic Relics The skeletal finger of Saint Marben, a devotee of Arkay.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Scholar's Skull (?) The Blood-Cursed Town The battered skull of the scholar Jonne.
ON-icon-armor-Linen Shoes-Breton.png Shoes (?) The Barefoot Breton These shoes smell of ale and wine. They could belong to Parquier Gimbert.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Silver Necklace (?) The Lover A beautiful necklace with an emerald gemstone.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Sleep Scroll (?) A Traitor's Tale This scroll contains a sleep spell, prepared for anyone to cast.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Sleeping Draught Constable Agazu Frightened Folk Constable Agazu gave me this sleeping draugt to put into Deputy Sagabar's mug.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Sloshing Tankard Key (?) The Liberation of Northpoint This simple key belongs to the Sloshing Tankard, an inn in Northpoint.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Smuggler Tunnels Key (?) Northpoint in Peril A key that opens the tunnel into Northpoint.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Smuggler's Tunnel Key (?) The Liberation of Northpoint A key that opens the tunnel into Northpoint.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 04.png Snake Runestone (?) The Emerald Chalice A coiled snake is etched upon this runestone.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Stolen Amethysts (?) Fell's Justice These are the amethysts stolen from Fell's Run.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Stolen Gem (?) Fadeel's Freedom This is the gem Handre stole from the Bitterhand Bandits to purchase Fadeel's Freedom.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Stolen Gem (?) The Lover These are gems the Bitterhand Bandits likely robbed from people on the road.
ON-icon-stolen-Imperial Coin.png Suspicious Coin In a fountain at Shornhelm Market Plaza A Spy in Shornhelm An Imperial coin with small letters engraved into its surface.
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Sword (?) Under Siege This one-handed blade has a dull edge.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Green.png Tear of Anurraame (?) Ancient Power A small glowing gemstone that emanates magic.
ON-icon-head-Orc Male.png Thrug's Head (?) Foul Deeds in the Deep The head of Thrug, for use in Lashgikh's oath to Malacath.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png To My Dear Friend, Verandis Ravenwatch Castle The Ravenwatch Inquiry A note from Rada al-Saran to Verandis Ravenwatch, asking him to visit Grayhome.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Torch (?) Under Siege Useful for burning corpses that might have been tainted by bloodfiends.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Torch (?) Under Siege
ON-icon-misc-Embers.png Torch (?) The Sanctifying Flames Useful for burning corpses that might have been tainted by bloodfiends.
ON-icon-armor-Robe-Soul-Shriven.png Torn Clothing (?) A Change of Heart Scraps of damaged clothing in sore need of repair.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Trap Door Key (?) The Concealing Veil A key to open the trap door in Lorkrata.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Troll Socialization Research Notes (?) Friend of Trolls A journal describing the research of Grularz the Orc.
ON-icon-quest-Exile's Weapon.png Two-Handed Sword (?) Under Siege This massive blade shows signs of being well used.
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Key.png Unusual Key Edrald Estate, western windmill, in a toolbox A Change of Heart This key is unnaturally cold to the touch.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 05.png Whale Runestone (?) The Emerald Chalice A majestic whale is etched into the surface of this runestone.


Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-quest-Amber Helm.png Amber Helm (?) Cursed Baubles of Stormhaven An ornamental helm encrusted with amber gems. There is a slight shock when it is first touched.
ON-icon-head-Hag.png Arie's Trapped Soul (?) Legacy of the Three This soul is trapped within Sir Edain's sword.
ON-icon-quest-Etched Crystal.png Azura's Crystal From Rhea Opacarius in the Cloudy Dregs Inn The Missing Prophecy An expertly crafted, deep blue crystal. It is remarkably light and hums faintly. Its function remains a mystery.
ON-icon-quest-Etched Crystal.png Azura's Crystal After speaking with Azura at Pariah Abbey The Missing Prophecy According to the Daedric Prince, Azura, this crystal will capture the essence of any Daedra killed in its proximity.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Azurite (?) Azura's Aid This rock is a beautiful shade of blue.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Backstreet Thug's Map (?) A Gang of Thugs This map shows where to find the leader of the Backstreet gang.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Baron Sorick's Orders (?) The Sower Reaps Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Burning Log (?) Divert and Deliver This log is on fire.
ON-icon-quest-Cerulean Goblet.png Cerulean Goblet (?) Cursed Baubles of Stormhaven An ornate goblet covered in a permanent rime of icy frost. It is cold to the touch.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Clan Murtag Dispatch (?) Waiting for Word The dispatch is addressed to the soldiers of Clan Murtag.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Collection of Cursed Skulls (?) Curse of Skulls This collection of skulls wails and cries out faintly in the back of your mind.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Conjuration Box Key (?) Azura's Relics This key can be used to open and close a Daedric conjuration box
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Covert Correspondence (?) Evidence Against Adima Letters from Lady Adima of orders sent to the Supernal Dreamers.
ON-icon-achievement-Reliquary of Stars.png Crocodile Charm (?) A Predator's Heart Use this charm to draw Ripplestrike out from the rocks.
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png Curse of the Black Beast Storm Talon Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy A Dragonguard journal written entirely in the Akaviri language. A small scribble on the cover translates the title.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Cursed Skull (?) Curse of Skulls This skull is emitting a very faint sound, like someone distantly weeping.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Daedric Symbol (?) False Accusations A skull etched with strange glowing symbols.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Encrypted Manifest From one of tents at the Supernal Dreamers Camp Rude Awakening The title reads "Manifest," but it's just a jumble of letters.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Dame Falette's Tabard (?) False Knights This tabard bears the crest of the Knights of the Flame.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Dame Jyllia's Tabard (?) False Knights This tabard bears the crest of the Knights of the Flame.
ON-icon-quest-Etched Crystal.png Diamond Pommel (?) King Aphren's Sword This shattered pommel was once part of King Aphren's sword.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Donel Fontbonne's Inheritance (?) One Last Game A small pouch containing the inheritence left by Frodibert Fontbonne to his son.
ON-icon-furnishing-Sack 01.png Dragonguard Tomes Storm Talon Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy Various tomes gathered from the Dragonguard archives. None seem particularly useful.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Dream Shard (?) The Return of the Dream Shard This crystalline shard sparkles with inner light.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Dreamstride Potion (?) A Prison of Sleep Use this soporific potion to enter a dreaming sleep.
ON-icon-head-Troll.png Dremora Head (?) Can't Leave Without Her This Dremora's head smells of decay.
ON-icon-quest-Vertebrate Small Heart.png Dremora Heart (?) The Slumbering Farmer This dark heart was harvested from the sinful corpse of a sentient Daedra.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Dreugh Egg (?) The Dreugh Threat This dreugh egg was found in the Dreughside district.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Duskstone (?) Azura's Aid This rock is covered in Daedric runes.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Duskstone (?) Vaermina's Gambit This rock is covered in daedric runes.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png East Fragment (?) Repairing the Cage This is a fragment of the Welkynd Stone in Bonesnap Ruins, used as a focus for a powerful binding spell. The Goblins put this piece on the totem in the east portion of the ruins.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Edgard's Fragment (?) Repairing the Cage This is a fragment of the Welkynd Stone in Bonesnap Ruins, used as a focus for a powerful binding spell. This piece was found by Sir Edgard.
ON-icon-head-Hag.png Emory's Trapped Soul (?) Legacy of the Three This soul is trapped within Sir Edain's sword.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Fallen Blossom (?) The Perfect Burial This large blossom fell from a skygazer peony.
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Family Heirloom (?) Do as I Say The edges of the small horn are worn with age. Several deep grooves mar its surface.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Farmer's Amulet of Protection (?) The Slumbering Farmer This amulet repels Daedra and cultists found around the Vanne farm.
ON-icon-food-Apples.png Fermented Mudcrab Apples Festival Arena The King's Spoils These apples have a strong fermented, vinegar smell backed by the sweet and brackish scent of crab meat.
ON-icon-book-Generic 124.png Fire Dragons: A Burning Menace Storm Talon Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy This charred book is impossible to read, aside from its gilded title.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png For Donel from Father (?) One Last Game Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Frodibert's Key (?) One Last Game This key was found while searching for the inheritence Frodibert Fontbonne left to his son Donel.
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Gem-Encrusted Blade (?) King Aphren's Sword This broken blade was once part of King Aphren's sword.
ON-icon-head-Hag.png Gilbert's Trapped Soul (?) Legacy of the Three This soul is trapped within Sir Edain's sword.
ON-icon-food-Flour.png Glow Dust (?) Azura's Aid These shimmering particles are luminescent.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Glowing Key (?) A Prison of Sleep This key will release Durak from bondage.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Healing Poultice (?) Injured Spirit Wardens Use these healing poultices on injured Spirit Wardens.
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Holy Symbol Given by Blaise Pamarc at Aphren's Hold King Aphren's Sword Use this symbol near the Hero's Monuments to summon a ghost.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Hubert's Notes (?) Next of Kin Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Invitation to at-Tura Estate (?) Pursuing the Shard "You are cordially invited to join Count Hosni at-Tura at his estate in a celebration of his betrothal to the Lady Adima."
ON-icon-misc-Ansei Ward Sword.png Jeweled Hilt (?) King Aphren's Sword This sundered hilt was once part of King Aphren's sword.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Key of the General (?) Vaermina's Gambit This key was found on the shadow of a general. Its veneer is badly worn, as if it was obsessively rubbed.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Key of the Knight (?) Vaermina's Gambit This key was found on the shadow of a knight. Its surface is wet, as though it's covered in tears.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Key of the Thief (?) Vaermina's Gambit This key was found on the shadow of a thief. Its surface feels rough, as if it was pitted by blowing sand.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Key to the Attic Room (?) One Last Game This key has a note attached with the following clue: "You found the key in streets, but now you must search the sky. No time for sleep or drink, go straight to the top of the clouds."
ON-icon-armor-Orichalc Steel Cuirass-Orc.png Knarstygg's Armor (?) Plowshares to Swords This is the armor that the warrior Knarstygg buried when he retired at Dro-Dara Plantation.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Battle Axe-Orc.png Knarstygg's Axe (?) Plowshares to Swords This is the axe that the warrior Knarstygg buried when he retired at Dro-Dara Plantation.
ON-icon-armor-Orichalc Steel Helm-Orc.png Knarstygg's Helm (?) Plowshares to Swords This is the helm that the warrior Knarstygg buried when he retired at Dro-Dara Plantation.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Knight's Journal (?) Legacy of the Three This journal contains an entry referring to a knight who was buried alive in a nearby cave.
ON-icon-misc-Ruby.png Large Ruby (?) A Ransom for Miranda This valuable jewel might be used to free Miranda Arcole.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Large Sapphire (?) A Ransom for Miranda This jewel is valuable enough to pay for Miranda Arcole's ransom.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Lighthouse Attack Plans (?) Lighthouse Attack Plans These diagrams show meticulous plans for an attack on the Koeglin Lighthouse.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Lighthouse Combustion Oil (?) Repair Koeglin Lighthouse A special long-burning oil used for bright fires in a Lighthouse.
ON-icon-stolen-Lanthorn.png Lighthouse Focusing Crystal (?) Repair Koeglin Lighthouse This crystal was designed to focus light.
ON-icon-book-Generic 121.png List of Deceased Dragons Storm Talon Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy A list of Dragons defeated by the Dragonguard and the year they were killed. No further information is given.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png List of Names for Questioning (?) Gift from a Suitor The list includes: Yarelion, Sir Brice, and Raolin Munier.
ON-icon-armor-Hickory Shield-Akaviri.png Loam-Encrusted Shield Windridge Cave A Lonely Grave Loose earth and dampness is deeply caked on this ancient shield, obscuring it almost entirely. Just beneath the filth, hints of fine ornamentation can be seen.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Louis' Debt Wayrest The Debt Collector's Debts This pouch will settle Louis' debt to S'rashi.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Ma'jhad Kha's key (?) Divert and Deliver This key has the symbol of the Ebonheart Slavers crudely carved into its side.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Manor House Key (?) A Woman Wronged This is the key to the manor house in Farangel's Landing.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Mudcrab Claw (?) The Perfect Burial This large claw was severed from a freshly killed mudcrab.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Nchylbar's Box (?) Azura's Relics This old box has Dwemeri influence in its design.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png North Fragment (?) Repairing the Cage This is a fragment of the Welkynd Stone in Bonesnap Ruins, used as a focus for a powerful binding spell. The Goblins put this piece on the totem in the north portion of the ruins.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Note in a Dead Man's Hand (?) The Sower Reaps Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Nurin House Key (?) A Family Affair This house key is covered in blood and scamp spit.
ON-icon-misc-Coin Bag.png Offering to Azura (?) An Offering to Azura This is the offering that Sergeant Oorga asked me to take to Brother Doumant at Pariah Abbey.
ON-icon-quest-Monster Teeth.png Ogre Tooth (?) Ogre Teeth This discolored bloody tooth was ripped from an orge's filthy mouth.
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Olfin's Warhorn (?) General Godrun's Orders Climb the tower and Shinji's Scarp and blow the horn to signal General Godrun and his soldiers to move up and establish a forward command post.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Padier's Debt (?) The Debt Collector's Debts This pouch will settle Padier's debt to S'rashi.
ON-icon-misc-Crate.png Performance Kit (?) Castle Charm Challenge A set of three balanced daggers, a tinted bottle, and a dull sword.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Mace-Nord.png Pickaxe (?) Ending the Ogre Threat This pickaxe can be used to destroy the column bracing a tunnel in Shinji's Scarp.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Poison Antidote (?) A Woman Wronged This dried vervain is an antidote to puffball cap poison.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Puffball Cap Potion (?) A Woman Wronged This potion can be added to the kegs around Farangel's Landing.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Puffball Caps (?) A Ransom for Miranda This ingredient can be used to create a potion.
ON-icon-achievement-Wormcrusher.png Rama's Sword (?) Revenge Against Rama This sword's edge is nicked and scratched.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Rhea's Letter Pariah Abbey The Missing Prophecy This hastily written letter details the locations of Azura's abducted oracles—including Rhea herself.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Ripplestrike's Heart (?) A Predator's Heart This is the bloody heart of an ancient crocodile.
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Ritual Candle (?) The Slumbering Farmer This ordinary candle has many uses, but it would be perfect for a somber ritual.
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png River Charm (?) A Predator's Heart This charm will protect you from Murk-Watcher's rage. Use it to find her in Dro-Dara Plantation.
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png River Charm (?) A Predator's Heart This was once Murk-Watcher's charm. Now that she has left her former self behind forever, it serves no further purpose.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Rusty Key (?) Rat in a Trap This key matches the rust and metal of Pierre Lanier's lock.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Scamp Gem (?) Azura's Relics This cold, white gem was borrowed from Sister Tabaka. Use it to summon a scamp.
ON-icon-head-Scamp.png Scamp Head (?) Dreams to Nightmares Use head of a decapitated scamp to prevent portals from opening in Moonlit Maw.
ON-icon-style material-Daedra Heart.png Scamp Heart (?) The Slumbering Farmer This tiny heart was harvested from a scamp who died a violent death. It's still in pristine condition.
ON-icon-quest-Scarlet Hourglass.png Scarlet Hourglass (?) Cursed Baubles of Stormhaven The sand in this hourglass produces an eerie red glow. It is quite warm to the touch.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Scroll of Dream Trapping Moonlit Maw The Gate to Quagmire Use this scroll to enthrall a dreaming cultist in Moonlit Maw, so you can lead him where you will.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Scroll of Return (?) Azura's Guardian I should deliver this scroll to Master Altien.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Scroll of Sight (?) Azura's Relics This scroll will reveal hidden Daedra.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Scroll of Summoning (?) Azura's Guardian This scroll is ancient and brittle, but the power of its words has not diminished.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Scroll of the Morning (?) Azura's Relics This scroll details a series of morning rituals for Azura's followers.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Searching for the Horn of Ja'darri, Part 2 Wind Scour Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy A note from the Dragonguard discovered in Storm Talon Temple.
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Signal Horn (?) General Godrun's Orders Used to summon forth General Godrun's forces.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Sir Aldred's Tabard (?) False Knights This tabard bears the crest of the Knights of the Flame.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Sir Derec's Tabard (?) False Knights This tabard bears the crest of the Knights of the Flame.
ON-icon-achievement-Wormcrusher.png Sir Edain's Sword (?) Legacy of the Three This sword still possesses latent power, but is far too damaged to be of practical use.
ON-icon-achievement-Wormcrusher.png Sir Edain's Sword (?) Legacy of the Three This sword hums with the energy of the souls contained within it.
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png Sir Edmund's Letter (?) The Flame of Dissent Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png South Fragment (?) Repairing the Cage This is a fragment of the Welkynd Stone in Bonesnap Ruins, used as a focus for a powerful binding spell. The Goblins put this piece on the totem in the south portion of the ruins.
ON-icon-misc-Jester's Day Scroll.png Special Arena Pass Hammerdeath Arena The King's Spoils A special, temporary "vendor" pass into the Festival Arena, provided by Jad'zirri.
ON-icon-misc-Crystal Ball.png Star Globe (?) Azura's Relics This is a small, crystalline globe. The interior is shining. Its purpose is unknown.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Stolen Goods (?) A Gang of Thugs This large bag is filled with pilfered items.
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Stonechewer Totem (?) A Means to an End This grotesque effigy is fashioned from Breton bones.
ON-icon-quest-Exile's Weapon.png Sword of King Aphren (?) King Aphren's Sword This is the king's ornamental sword.
ON-icon-book-Generic 123.png The Formalities of Dragonguard Correspondence Storm Talon Temple Archives The Dragonguard's Legacy Various rules and guidelines for how Dragonguard soldiers should write reports.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png The Tava's Bounty Ledger (?) False Accusations This ledger details the cargo list carried on Tava's Bounty for delivery at Koeglin Village.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Tomb Urn Farangel's Delve Stolen Ashes This valuable jar might be turned in for a reward.
ON-icon-quest-Uncle Leo's Spectacles.png Uncle Leo's Spectacles (?) Madness in Stormhaven A pair of cracked spectacles with silver frames and amber lenses.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Vial of Poison (?) The Gate to Quagmire This vial is filled with a viscous black liquid. When opened, it wafts noxious fumes.
ON-icon-misc-Empty Bucket.png Water Bucket (?) Fire in the Fields An empty water bucket.
ON-icon-misc-Water Bucket.png Water Bucket (?) Fire in the Fields Used to put out fires.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Wayside Inn House Wine (?) The Perfect Burial This is a bottle of Wayside Inn's house wine.

Stros M'Kai

Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Antidote (?) Like Moths to a Candle This antidote will save Captain Helane's life.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Crown.png Battered Crown On the body of King Demog at the Dogeater Goblin Camp Tarnish the Crown A battered crown. Most of the filth has been wiped away.
ON-icon-quest-Elixir.png Betty Netch Ambergris Pomade Port Hunding The Lost Symbol That famous brand with the Netch right on the label, a strong grease intended for hair styling.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Captain Izad's Letter (?) Izad's Treasure Use to read contents.
ON-icon-furnishing-Sweetroll.png Crumbly Sweetroll Port Hunding The Lost Symbol May have a little dirt on it since it hit the ground.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Crumpled Letter (?) Dead Man's Wrist A crumbled letter from Siraj to his sister, Terina.
ON-icon-misc-Dwemer Gear.png Dwarven Part There are four locations (see quest article) Sphere Assembly A rusty gear that seems to have fallen out of a Dwarven device.
ON-icon-weapon-Staff-Ancient Elf.png Dwemer Device (?) Tip of the Spearhead Neramo claims this device can stun anyone into unconsciousness.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Dwemer Schematics Bthzark Buried Secrets These are incredibly complex drawings. They look like a large ship with wings.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Engraved Arm Band Port Hunding The Lost Symbol A piece of jewelry that may look more valuable than it actually is.
ON-icon-misc-Ruby.png Giant Red Gemstone Goblin Mines Innocent Scoundrel This huge red gemstone gleams with an inner light.
ON-icon-quest-Key 02.png Headman Bhosek's Key (?) Tip of the Spearhead This key opens Bhosek's lockbox.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Kiv's Journal Port Hunding The Lost Symbol Notes belonging to the con artist Kiv Lindres.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Marq's Special Brew Goblin camp south of Rash Merchant's Plummet Goblin Marq A scratched, dusty bottle of cloudy liquid.
ON-icon-quest-Control Rod.png Neramo's Control Rod Given to you by Neramo outside of Bthzark Buried Secrets An ornate metal rod with symbols and runes engraved on it.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Primary Focusing Crystal Bthzark Buried Secrets A large, clear crystal that glows with an inner, reddish light.
ON-icon-misc-Coin Bag.png Sea Drake Clothing Bundle (?) Like Moths to a Candle A sack full of Sea Drake clothes. They should fit Captain Lerisa's crew.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Secondary Focusing Crystal Bthzark Buried Secrets A large, clear crystal that glows with an inner, reddish light.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Shazeem's Ancestral Ring On the beach east of Headman Bhosek's Palace Washed Ashore The ring bears a family crest and the engraved motto "By the sword."
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Sword-Redguard.png Shazeem's Blade On the beach east of Headman Bhosek's Palace Washed Ashore A fine blade engraved with the words "Shazeem the Oathkeeper."
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Shazeem's Lucky Dice On the beach east of Headman Bhosek's Palace Washed Ashore A set of weighted dice lies inside the pouch.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Shazeem's Rum On the beach east of Headman Bhosek's Palace Washed Ashore A family crest is prominently displayed on the front of the bottle.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Shipping Logs (?) Tip of the Spearhead These logbooks record ship arrivals, deliveries of stolen goods, and Bhosek's cut of each cargo.
ON-icon-stolen-Shovel.png Shovel (?) Izad's Treasure This shovel is covered in rust but is still serviceable.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Steel Bracelet (?) Dead Man's Wrist This bracelet bears a sigil of crossed swords. It may have sentimental value.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Storeroom Key (?) Like Moths to a Candle A tarnished key that will open the Bloody Witch's storeroom.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Sword-Orc.png Sword In the sand at a small cove north of Bthzark Moment of Truth This sword has seen a lot of use, but remains a well-crafted blade.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png The Clues, Damn Your Eyes (?) Izad's Treasure Use to read contents.